5 employer phrases that should alert you

All our employees try hard work.

With such phrases, employers want to show that you need to work for the result, try and try again. It can be assumed that good work should also imply a good rest, and you will have at your disposal a comfortable office, soft sofas and a good kitchen. But this needs to be clarified with the employer, because, most likely, the incentives are not so significant, and you will really have to work a lot, sometimes without days off.
We have a young company with great prospects and great ambitions.

This means that the company needs initiative and creative workers who, like the company itself, want to develop and achieve results. But it is worth considering that a young company is often a lack of stability, and a catchy statement is only plans that may not be achieved.
We need independent employees who are not afraid to make decisions

You can decide that projects will trust you, leaving freedom of action and no one will “stand over the soul”. However, you can simply be sent to an active combat zone, and in case of failure, simply replaced.
We value loyal employees, and we are only looking for such

Of course, you yourself want to be a devoted employee and constantly make a contribution to the development of the company, and in return receive well-deserved material gratitude. But in reality, this means that your services will be required at non-working hours, you will be overwhelmed with unexpected tasks, and gratitude will be lower than your expectations.
We can provide you a free schedule.

Fine! You always wanted to choose the hours of work that are convenient for you. But keep in mind that most likely you will have to work in the evenings, on weekends, and on holidays. If the work has to be done, then they will demand it from you at a certain time, and it does not matter what hours of work are convenient for you.

You can expect a lot of pitfalls, and as a result, a new job will not be what you were expecting. To avoid this, do not forget and do not hesitate to ask counter-questions to the employer before formal employment. Indeed, without this, not the whole truth can be told to you.


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