What to expect from the employer and which one to choose

Large companies

Let's start with the large and medium-sized companies that occupy the largest sector of the economy.

Their main features:

    The presence of branches and a large number of staff.
    The company and its brand are known to a wide range of people.
    Leadership plays a prominent role in their industry, often by public people.
    The goal of such companies is to expand their sphere of influence and significantly increase profits.
    The structure and hierarchy of company personnel is clearly defined and rarely changes.

Work in such a company is considered prestigious and promising with a good career opportunity. Getting a job in a large company is often easier than is commonly believed. Often new branches and divisions are opened, new projects are made, and a large number of personnel implies a large turnover of personnel and, accordingly, the opening of new vacancies.

What to expect:

    Pros: the possibility of career advancement, compliance with labor standards, motivation system.
    Cons: fairly high requirements both in hiring and in the process, low salaries for ordinary employees, requirements and monitoring compliance with the rules.

What they expect from the candidates: loyalty to the company and its interests, stability and hard work.
Small enterprises

Consider small and newly established companies.

Their main features:

    The small number of staff.
    The company and its brand are practically unknown.
    Managers often work equally with other employees.
    The goal of such companies is to profit and strengthen their position in the industry.
    In most cases, all employees have equal privileges and statuses.

Work in such companies has a certain share of risk associated with small capitalization and not always well-established business processes. However, the working atmosphere and corporate foundations are softer.

What to expect:

    Pros: the ability to directly influence the future of the company, under favorable conditions, you can improve your material and career status, friendly atmosphere.
    Cons: not too much confidence in the future of the company, lack of corporate bonuses for staff motivation.

What they expect from the candidates: professionalism that can ensure the success of the company, new ideas, empathy - you must become part of the company, be able to survive the ups and downs.
State enterprises

Next, we consider enterprises whose fixed assets are state-owned.

Their main features:

    The number of employees varies from dozens of employees to thousands. Mostly employees of the older age category.
    The company and its brand are often known.
    Managers often hold their posts for a very long time.
    Management principles are often very classic, inherited from Soviet times.

Work in the public sector can be considered as a "school". At such enterprises, staff requirements are not very strict, but wages are also not high. Often, state-owned enterprises are used to gain experience for further more profitable employment.

What to expect:

    Pros: the opportunity to learn, improve qualifications, gain experience, stability, you can count on the help of senior mentors.
    Cons: low salary, low probability of career growth.

What they expect from candidates: respect for their work and colleagues, a desire to learn and often do the same job.
In conclusion

It is impossible not to mention the companies that are engaged in network marketing. It can be outwardly quite decent companies that unfairly use new employees. It is worth fearing such companies, since with high probability they can be scammers. The activities of such employers on Work.ua is prohibited.

You are unlikely to be able to find out the number of staff. The company itself and its brand are either not well known or have a negative color. You will not be able to meet with real leaders. Although this type of business successfully operates in the West and does not carry negative there, in our country it is more often used by scammers, so be careful.


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