What you need to do before leaving the company

Important papers

Be sure to go to the personnel department and review the contracts, orders and agreements that you signed during the period of work. You can recall the important details that flew out of your head. For example, you could be ordered not to work for direct competitors for a period of time, not to disclose certain confidential information. Some large companies take out health insurance for their employees, and you could easily forget about it.

In any case, you should clarify whether everything is in order and whether there are any nuances that you should know about.
Current affairs

The company's work does not stand still no matter what. Although you are already mentally resting or imagining yourself in a new place, you should not forget about it. Your colleagues and management will still continue to work, and some of them may get your responsibilities. And who knows, maybe you will have to cross paths in life or working with one of them more than once. Therefore, do not do everything after the sleeves. Prepare all the necessary information on current tasks, put in the know who will replace you. But first of all, try to complete everything you can. Also review all past projects and tasks, evaluate how much you have done and what results you have achieved, write it down. This information can be very useful for you in the future for resumes and interviews, and it will be very difficult to recall some moments later.

Do not forget about your personal files, passwords and history on your work computer.

Only the correct completion and transfer of your tasks and responsibilities will allow you to receive good recommendations from management. Many employees ignore this possibility of increasing their value in the labor market, but in vain. Recommendations play an important role in deciding on employment. Also arrange with key employees so that if necessary they can give you a description, specify their contact details.

You should not just fade away one day. Say goodbye to your colleagues, not necessarily to everyone, but at least to those with whom you spoke well. Tell me that you were pleased to work with them, maybe you will meet more than once or help each other with employment in the future. No need to brag, assert oneself and show superiority, scolding someone from colleagues or the company itself. Firstly, you will spoil your reputation in this way, and secondly, you can cause a wave of layoffs, often thoughtless, that will only harm your comrades.


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